She makes me wanna die
Follow where mary goes
Cherish the things she knows
Says if I change my stride
Then Ill fly
She makes me wanna die
Change my stride
Then Ill fly
Look to the sun
See me in psychic pollution
Walking on the moon
How could you dare?
Who do you think you are?
Youre insignificant
A small piece, an ism
No more no less
You try to learn the universe
Cant even converse in uni-verse
You know its ironic smoking hydroponic
She makes me wanna die
And change my stride
Then Ill fly
She makes me wanna die
Follow where mary goes
Cherish the things she knows
Says if I change my stride
Then Ill fly
And change my stride
Then Ill fly
Look to the sun
See me in psychic pollution
Walking on the moon
How could you dare?
Who do you think you are?
Youre insignificant
A small piece, an ism
No more no less
You try to learn the universe
Cant even converse in uni-verse
You know
Ascultam pentru prima data piesa asta intr-un apartament vechi plin cu fete, fete emancipate si feministe din Vienna. Niste fete futuriste.
Ploua afara iar eu asteptam un telefon. Cateva cuvinte gandite, sau spontane care sa treaca prin interiorul unui fir de cupru protejat cu plastic. Asteptam acel trrrrrrrrrr placut al telefonului. Fredonand accentuam frazele "who do you think you are? Youre insignificant"
Ce luminat era atunci interiorul meu. Radia de speranta, de optimism. Chiar daca telefonul nu a mai sunat, a ramas piesa asta, iar asta seara m-am intors la ea.
Detalii din istorie puțin cunoscute I
Cunoașteți faimoasa Bătălie de la Posada în care voievodul Basarab I l-a
bătut de l-a zăpăcit pe regele maghiar de origine franceză Carol Robert.
Ei bi...
Acum 6 ani
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